Accelerate Developments


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Good day, *|LASTNAME|*! You are receiving this message because you have signed up with Automaxed and/or are using Automaxed plugins.

What's up in Automaxed?

Since the beginning of 2022, a team of 5 people is taking care of the Automaxed plugins and improving things further. More than 200 support queries have been answered and things are going forward. Here is a brief overview.

Automaxed YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel Started

Video production is on its way. You can see the first uploads on the Automaxed YouTube channel. We plan to release helpful information and tutorial videos there. If you like the idea, go and subscribe to the channel.


Automaxed Wiki

Wiki is Building Up

Automaxed Wiki Documentation for more than 1300 commands and functions is already building up day by day, you can always access it at


Blurred Road Map

Ongoing Development

There are ongoing developments to fix and improve existing codes. Also, two new plugins are in active development, one of them will be released quite soon.


UBot Studio Discount

Best UBot Studio Discount Available

Now you can save $600 on UBot Studio Developer Edition and 10% on Automaxed Plugins. If you don't have UBot Studio yet or want another license, this offer is for you! We know getting started can be challenging. Together with our friends at UBot Studio, we created this special offer to make it as easy as possible for new developers getting ahead.


10% Plugin Discount Code

If you already have UBot Studio and only need more plugins, you can type in the coupon code during checkout to receive 10% off on all plugins and bundles. The coupon code is only valid for 30 days, starting today. The coupon cannot be combined with other discounts or special upgrade options.

Coupon Code: POWERUP22

Valid for 30 days


Dev Chat Group Started

Recently, we started a free private chat group on telegram where you can exchange contact with other Automaxed developers, ask questions, and share advice.


Power Partner Rewards

We are rewarding experienced users that share really useful pre-made UBot Code Templates with us. If you have an interesting example code to achieve real-world automations, you can send it in here:

Depending on how useful your code template or improvement is, you can be granted free licenses (you will be able to pick) as a reward for contributing.


Free Versions Available

We want to help the UBot Community thrive, so we want you to be successful. For this reason, we provide free-of-charge "community versions" of all 22 Automation Plugins! So you can utilize all the power and if you need more, you can get yourself a Standard, Developer License or even a complete Bundle! The choice is yours!


Greetings from the Automaxed Team